
Adam Minnick is a comedian, writer, and producer. He has worked at comedy clubs across US cities, such as Jimmy Kimmel’s Comedy Club in Las Vegas, Dry Bar Comedy Club in Provo UT, Improv Comedy Club in Chicago, Funny Bone Comedy Club in Cincinnati, Dayton...

"Artist turned comedian, Chris Trovador, wants you to be a part of the laughter, with an experience like no other." As an Afro-Latino, Chris Trovador noticed the comedy scene was lacking in diversity and started his journey in 2011, with improvisation and then dove into stand-up...

"A LIGHTENING WIT AND AN IMMACULATE SENSE OF TIMING" It is now thirty years since Paul began his quest to make complete strangers laugh out loud.  After a decade as the opening act of choice for major stars touring the UK including eight appearances at Londons...

Comedian & Musical Speciality Act   Steve blends comedy and music to present a fresh and varied show with stand up comedy, vocals and instrumentals. He performs his own style of humour full of observations and stories with transatlantic appeal. Use to entertaining differing age groups, Steve...

An Award Winning UK Comic with an Endless Supply of Outrageous and Outlandish Stories   Nick Page is an exceptional story telling comic. Each story and routine are filled with set ups, call backs and devastating punchlines. His stories are unique, yet relate to everyone and for...

"Private Eye Comedian of the Year"   Martin Beaumont was in the headline position and from the moment he arrived on the stage had everybody in the palm of his hand and creased with laughter. It was nonstop from beginning to end; some one-liners and other far...

Quick-witted Comedian   What kind of comic is Keith? Well, he's the guy you want to sit next to at a boring meeting. He's clever, insightful, and a little bit eye-opening. His comedy is truth with a twist. Indianapolis’ NUVO said, "Keith McGill has a style that...

I’m not a Southern Belle…unless I need to be.   Your headliner tonight has worked with Jon Stewart, host of "the Daily Show" on Comedy Central, she was a contributing writer for "The Rosie O’Donnell Show, and is currently on tour with The Southern Fried Chicks. A...

Geoff Boyz, a genuine one off fast and funny guy!   Geoff regularly performs in and around London as well as performing in numerous countries all over the world, including Indonesia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Dubai. He was one of the first comedians to perform in China....

Winner of the prestigious American Comedy Awards "Comic of the Year", this Kentucky woman is a comedy icon! Hailed as the "Polyester Princess", the reigning Queen of Southern Sass delivers a high-powered , take no-prisoners performance full of truth, irony, humor and wisdom. Etta May won the...